Man, am I bored!
I hate the week from Wednesday until the weekend. My case management class is wednesday nights, so I use up my weekends and tuesday night writing out my patient logs, and case study/soap notes and stuff...but from Wednesday to the weekend, it's a vast sea of NOTHING to do.Bored, Bored, Bored!
Why were we breaking our necks taking 22 units this summer, 20 the next? Were they trying to break us?
Summer was nice, because it was crazy hot, and we all went out on the patio/roof deck and drank, looking up and down town, and mostly across at that ugly George Washington bridge.
So, I think I saw on myspace that this Saturday Charlie is planning a shin-dig that starts at Coogan's, and moves south. He said something about getting LFTs and I knew some liver abuse was on the way.
I wanted to go SOMEwhere this weekend...I'm feeling all pent up and antsy. I was planning on going to a museum with my friend, Ashley, who invited me to her family Easter dinner but I was SO wiped out from the ACLS class (and the two hour's sleep I got cramming for the test sunday) that I had to respectfully decline. Unfortunately, she has to work saturday, so I'm on my own this weekend.
Oh yeah, here's a pic from the other night when we all went out to the Saigon Grill. There were 13 of us total, but here's one group pic I show up in:

and the "who's who"

I've been really bad about taking pictures and downloading them to the computer, then uploading to photobucket to post you can see from the pic--I'm a mess!
Yes, I look tired.
Yes, that's a much darker hair color than I usually dye it...they don't stock my "Natural" hair color here in Washington heights
and Yes, I've put on a few pounds.
The Philipinas are fattening me up, I told ya.
Back to swimming laps when I get home!
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