Spring has Sprung
Thank you to everyone who called me, to wish me a happy birthday--it really made my day :)Today, I decided to go down to Washington Sqaure park (you can read about the history by clicking here)
and here
I wanted to come here the other day, but I got a late start, and so I didn't. I guess the impetus is that every time I've ever seen a movie or tv show set in New York, the dang arch shows up. (Remember "When Harry Met Sally" when she drops him off at NYU right at the arch? That, for some reason, stayed in my mind)
So, I took the A train all the way down there (took an hour) and came out on West 4th street. I like the sign below, sort of like "Welcome. Whatever it is you came here to do, it's not allowed; please take it elsewhere (unless you came to stand stark straight with children, and pick up trash...then you're quite welcome!)

The arch is lovely; not as nice as the Triumphal arch in Paris, nor the Palace of Fine Arts in San Fran (which was also constructed of papier mache, then made permanent as this arch was) but it's pretty none the less.

I really liked this neighborhood.

I wanted to live right here, in this little place (though, in the winter, this must SUCK! If I had to, I could live here, or the west village, or soho...I like these areas.

I walked around for an hour, then went to the park to chillax for an hour or so. There was so much live music (a really great jazz combo that was getting drowned out by al the damned hippy jamborie, tambourine fest/greatful dead/phish covers...blech!) Such a ruckus! (it was great!) I later went to get a slice of pizza, and checked out the area. It reminded me of Telegraph avenue in Berkeley, meets the French Quarter of New Orleans, and maybe a little of Amsterdam, too. (without the "Coffee houses")
There was also a street fair going on and it reminded me of the San Lorenzo market in Florence. All sorts of stuff for sale, and food, and pick pockets galore, I'm sure (one of the pockets to my bag were undone, but I don't keep anything in here, so sad surprise for Mr. Stickyhands, LOL)
I thought to myself about how in the last month or so that I'm here, I'm actually starting to enjoy it. I realize it was the weather, the program, taking 22 units, my health, being away from home, etc.
I guess if I have to come back in a year, it won't be so bad.
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