nights off

well, the nights on are not a problem...staying awake, I mean. I think for my first night I had been on about 4 hours sleep total for the entire three days leading up to that night, and last night, I managed to get about 4 or 5 hours of sleep.
I mean yesterday.
Or, the day before yesterday. I'm not sure. That's one downfall of this night stuff--you never have the same point of reference as other people do...for most of us, our sleep cycle separates the days. You wake up and it's a new day. For people who work nights, the new day starts at midnight and ends, who knows when...when you go home and fall asleep, you wake up and it's still the same day. You take a quick nap before going to work that night and it's still the same day! How can it be that I go to work twice in one frigging day!?
When do I take my vitamins, brush my teeth, bathe, shop for food, etc? It's not the same as when you sleep nights and walk the earth by day. There's a definite "time" to do things that gets all out of whack when you reverse sleep patterns like this.
In any case, I think my first career choice prepared me well for sleep-deprivation. If sleep were water, I'd be a camel.
Another downside is that one must adjust to activities allowable during nocturnal hours. I had all these great ideas about baking (this has the two-fold benefit of warming up the house, because we usually turn the heater off at night, and filling the pantry with yummy baked things.) I was envisioning myself studying while waiting for scones and bread to come out of the oven. Or cleaning out my study and organizing my bookshelves, the closets, sewing and knitting...
As if.
I tiptoe around the house so as to not wake the hubby and dog, still on diurnal schedules.I'm sure I'm being overly careful. He keeps telling me I don't have to be so quiet, but I don't want to wake him. All my kitchen cabinets squeak like mad and I'm sure, wake the elderly neighbors next door to our common wall house every time I open them.

So, so first night off has consisted of realizing that I need every gadget sold on infomercial prime time.

Is it that when we are laying awake, insomnia-stricken, our judgement is impaired and we really want that Magic Bullet to mix up omlettes and muffin mix and then grind coffee beans and make guacamole and salsa all in under 10 seconds? Am I supposed to overlook the fact that all the food has been prepped, chopped for them, or is sized to fit perfectly already? Why don't they count this prep time in the total time it takes to make their food? I can't wash and rinse, chop and prep all my veggies as they did and THEN use the blender. I also don't have 400 of them, so I'd have to stop and wash it between menu items. Did you get a little egg in your mochacino? So sorry.
Another sucky thing: I've watched more television in this last week than I have since I've been home from New York. Well, ok, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but it FEELS that way. I don't like the tv, but I find that I'm watching it for company, and what's worse--my standards have dropped significantly.

I'm actually watching some idiotic Brendan Frasier movie (really bizarre!) and enjoying it--I have to find out what the name of this movie is and rent it to get the beginning of the story. It seems to be a sort of Tim Burtonesque craziness, or something.
I appologize for the prattling on...what the hell is a blog if not self-indulgent babble? I'm trying to not make it sound like the monologues of Sex and the City, but I'm not sure it's working.
So, with that, I will leave you, my friends, for tonight.
Happy Thanksgiving/gobble-gobble/slaughter of the indigenous day. Whichever you observe.
Me? I'm planning on sleeping through most of it.
That would be tomorrow, right?
Or later today...Ah, I don't know.
(PS--I just googled "brendan frasier monkey" and found out the name of this movie. It's called "Monkey Bone" and was evidently harshly reviewed (D+) by most online reviews I saw. It's hilarious, though...I guess the reviewers were nocturnal sleepers and failed to see the brilliance of it all)
Check it out
(Don't they use sleep deprivation as a form of torture, to break your will and brainwash you or make you susceptible to suggestion? Hmmmmm...perhaps this is why 3 am is prime infomercial time.)
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