Ich Habe Jetz eine JOB!
Woo hooooOk, so, I've been hired at the San Mateo County General Hospital ICU.

The pay is pretty good, the benefits are outstanding, the hours will suck (nights) but I will be one-on-one with a preceptor teaching me in the ICU rather than go thru a residency program and then have to get selected for, or work my way up to an ICU.
I'm pretty shocked it was my first interview, even. I've not gotten this far with the application process; most places seem to just want to get your resume and contact info for the next time there will be a shortage. They tell you they don't currently have any positions, and they don't hire new grads for the ICU. But they might have a residency training program starting in October, if they choose to do it, but they only hire for the ICU from within as those spots are first offered up to internal applicants...but not to lie and say you want something other than what you really want, just to get in the door, because they'll be able to tell if you're lying...
So now I have to pass the NCLEX, go get fingerprinted, blood titres, have a physical, immunizations, etc.
I will be oriented and trained during the day shift, but the only position available is nights. The nice thing is that the average tenure for the nurses here is very long (6, 10 and 15 years) and it's a brand new addition to the hospital so it's completely state of the art.
It's not a CCU but I think the mixture of patients will be good, and I think also being a bit smaller will work out to my advantage as there will be more time to ask questions, and do things myself, rather than have so many people around to just do them and tell me they'll show me or explain later.
I'm pretty happy.
And relieved.
This was getting crazy stressful and the job market was proving to be a huge disappointment. I'm glad it's over (barring any unforseen "something" happening, you never know)
I finally have a job.
I haven't been gainfully employed (besides tutoring) since 2002!
I've got more than a few bills to pay down now :P
Hey, congrats to you. You have SO earned this, really well done!
Best wishes from Scotland!
this is great news.
i check in once in a while to see how you are doing and have been following your back-to-school story with interest and sympathy ;-) so it was so good to hear this news. i cheered.
congratulations! you deserve every success.
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