21 June 2006

The pace steps up

Test after test after test.

And it's only Wednesday.

Today, practiced giving injections, got the Evelyn Wood's speed-reading version of "everything you ever wanted to know about IVs (in 15 minutes or less)" lesson

This is pretty funny though

gave me a good laugh--ah, how I laughed.
No, seriously, Harlem has a bad rap--especially Spanish Harlem; these folks are quite nice. It's the disenchanted nurses on my rotation that really get my ire up. (do I even have ire? I'd like to think so)

I'm having a cup of tea, in my air conditioned room, while outside the heat is unbearable! My fluid intake is better since I installed the water filter, but it's still much less than I normally take in per diem back home. My food intake is completely diminished, however!

Coming from the Bay Area, and shopping at Rainbow grocery Co-op, and Whole foods, and Trader Joes, I've grown fond of my Organic, non-GMO, non-GE foods. If I have any dairy products, the label ususally states proudly "no rGBH" and I bring my happy little canvas bags, reuse my bulk grain bags, and refill my hand lotion, laundry soap, shampoo and conditioner containers (I love you Rainbow foods!) and feel better about what I put in my body, and what I'm doing for the environment.

Here, I've been living on organic carrots (something the local store does stock) and Dole (non-organic) bananas. The ocassional loaf of bread sneaks in to my diet, and I just received the rice cooker I ordered (stainless steel!--best rice cooker EVER! you know how hard it is to find a non-Teflon coated or NON-aluminum one?!) So now I can also make (organic) brown rice and at least steam some veggies.

Is it so bad if I bring back my duffle bag full of plastics and paper for the recycling? They don't recylce here and I heard a story about several barges full of trash being refused (hah, sorry, pardon the pun) by New Jersey and Florida, so they're just floating up and down the Atlantic coast looking for a place to dump it.


Oh, and I officially maxed a credit card today--yay.
Ivy League.
The scary thing is the limit on that puppy was around 15K so--that's a scary thought.
Calgon, take me away!


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