18 July 2006

A hot time, in the old town

So, the night before the big "health history" paper is due, someone goes and does something stupid--and the fire alarm goes off.

I found three sources for this "fire"
The printer in the lobby was smelling like burnt plastic as 900 documents piled up in the print queue after a jam; the elevator door panel was off and I heard a rumor of "electrical fire in the elevator" and then I heard there was a problem in either room 208, 209, or 210, with firemen about to break the doors down.

So, I went down to the printer, saw it was broken (typical) and decided to send the document to myself to print out on campus--so as I was coming back up the stairs, firemen were already decended on the second and third floors telling me to get out.

I had left my rice cooker on, full of lentils, rice, and carrots--all organic, costing me a fortune; I was damned if I was going to let them burn!

So I came back and turned that off, and emailed the word doc to myself, walked calmly out of the building, amid 7 foot tall firemen.

I swear, if they don't want us to start fires, they should find a way to make firemen not be so hot in those crazy outfits, and their axes...I'm just saying.

I walked over to the Hammar building, where classes are, a block away, and printed out my document, and then came back, and ogled the firemen with all my girlfriends.

As the firemen were leaving, I said to one of them, a whole two feet taller than me "my but they grow you guys big, don't they?"

He goes "huh, huh...yeah"
I think they were more afraid of us then we were of them--all the girls to one side, looking like they were picking out puppies in a store window.

We're planning on getting a rubber tire and setting it on fire on the roof as bait.

Just kidding--we'd never do that.
That's a felony...and...that would be bad...right?
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