I'll sleep when I'm dead
Well, this is like Hell-week.For two days I had about 1.5-2 hours sleep, and then last night I took a couple of 15 minute naps because I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I ran out of time studying for my pharmacology midterm (too many subjects, too many drugs, too much info for each drug--indications, contraindications, side effects, systems...I focused on the big picture, because the details were too much; it wasn't humanly possible.
So, I think I was awake during the test; I can't remember. I was surprised that I answered any of the questions--I was expecting to be completely stumped on all of them, and fail the test--pharm is that hard! I had to sacrifice learning about alpha1, alpha 2, beta1 and beta2 blockers/receptors etc because it would have taken a few more hours than I had and that's ALL I would have studied--so I made a sacrifice. I said to myself, I will get those questions wrong, or just guess at them as best I can, because there are too many other body systems to really focus on--cardiac (even though the alpha and beta blockers would have factored in here) vascular, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, the entire autonomic nervous system...I had to focus on the OTHER 95% of what would be on the test.
In the long-run, I think I did the right thing--I think I passed the test, though, I can't have been pretty.
I'm not out for pretty here, I'm out to pass and understand this material. Grades don't matter anymore, here.
So, then I came home and ate before taking a 4 hour nap. Did I mention that in the 48 hours preceding the midterm, I had had, one banana, two cups of coffee, a hand full of crackers, one hard boiled egg, and half a bran muffin? I'd guess I've lost about 10 pounds here... I'm not trying--so don't ask me. Everyone is asking my "secret" LOL.
OK, you want to know? begin eating healthy. Only eat organic, fair trade, non-GMO, non-GE, no aluminum, no High Fructose Corn Syrup, no hormone injected, antibiotic fed beef. Don't eat any animal products that were inhumanely/inorganically obtained. Oh yeah, give up all processed food, and don't eat or drink out of plastic.
THEN: move to a place where the environment matters little, there is no recycling, and the sum of food that would fit your criteria of "edible" would fit in the palm of your hand.
THEN: get as much sleep in one week as most people get in one night--and avoid food because it makes you sleepy anyway, and who needs to eat, when you have to study anyway--oh, and live in a shoe-box without a kitchen or horizontal surface for you to prepare your own food.
Misery, is the best word I can use to describe it.
And where are the cookies you guys were supposed to be sending? :) (Just kidding.)
I did find this website http://www.westsideorganics.com/wso/index.jsp and got all excited, but they deliver to Daly City...not Washington Heights, NY. (coals to Newcastle, eh? Daly City, where we each have 2 cars, and there is more Organic food than you can wag your finger at. But HERE, nothing..Sigh) So, with a lump in my throat, I move away from the internet...snif.
So, I guess I'm off now to start cramming for my skills class exam, that's Monday. Then Tuesday, my Physiology exam. I went in over-confident to the last one and didn't do so well, so I'll be damned if that's going to happen again this time.
So, this weekend, I won't be around much--I think after wednesday I'll be able to come back and spend 15 minutes describing my clinical--that's been interesting and full of drama! (think ER)
I love and miss you guys--and I'm looking forward to coming home, shooting the shit, tossing back a few beers, shooting some pool, catching up on YOUR stories, and just in general, chilling out with y'all.

Send cookies, damnit.
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