13 February 2007

25 days

and counting.

We're gearing up for our first peds test; full of mundane minutia that's all pump and dump--what milestone should little Johnny have reached between ages 4-6 months, 6-8 months, 6-12 years, and so on.

I guess it's mildly interesting. For someone that's never had kids, has never been very interested in them, nor plans to work with them in any way. It's all taking up valuable RAM in my diminishing brain matter.

I'd rather have swapped this course, and Labor and Delivery (and psych for that matter) and had extra physiology, med surg, and pathophys...or even a prep course on taking the NCLEX.

But that would be too practical.

In case any of you are wondering, the weather here has been off and on as far as severe cold.
It's only been unbearable a few times (provided the right gear.) With thermals, an ankle length down North Face Parka, a shearling hat, mittens, and a scarf wrapped around your face, it's not all that bad.

Today it's a balmy 29 degrees out. But, it's the wind chill that gets ya. If it's still outside, the weather seems a bit warm around 30 degrees (somehow--maybe it's the thermals and thick socks) I bought a shearling jacket on Ebay, and it's like carrying a dead sheep on your back--man is it heavy, but it stops the cold for sure.

I think the thing that annoys me most about New York is the fluctuation in temperature. How does one with such a small amount of closet/apartment space accomodate all the damned gear and clothing/wardrobe changes one has to make? It's incredible to me that people put up with this crap at all. God Bless California...and especially, the Bay Area, where the temps remain constant around 10-20 degrees fluctuation.


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