25 June 2007

That's it, I'm cursed.

You are not going to believe the latest news on the "become a licenced RN" front.

I got a letter from the CA board of nursing that states Columbia transcripts don't reflect sociology and psychology courses. Well, this doesn't suprise me since I haven't taken those courses there.

So, my application didn't say anywhere I needed to prove courses as prerequisites; I figured that since I have a BSN that they'd just KNOW that I did those things...but oh...not so.

So, after being on hold and treated rudely all morning, I've found out that If I can get them transcripts that show these courses, I might hear back from them as soon as FIVE WEEKS from when they RECEIVE THE TRANSCRIPTS.

This might not sound so bad to you...but add to this the fact that I need to request transcripts from my other campus to be sent, for them to process them...and Oh yeah...I HAVE NEVER TAKEN SOCIOLOGY.

So now, the mad scramble to find a sociology course in the summer, that hasn't already started, that won't end in december, that isn't 400 miles away.

I've pretty much lost my spot in the Columbia anesthesia program, I have lost my residency at Kaiser which starts in August...

I'm fucked is the short answer.


At Monday, June 25, 2007 2:54:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

would you be able to take the ncelx in another state? like maybe new york since that's where you went to school?

hope it works out for you.

At Monday, June 25, 2007 8:51:00 PM , Blogger sketchmonkey said...

I checked this; the CA BRN said that would work...but they'd give me a six month permit SO I COULD COMPLETE THE COURSE!

Oh man...they REALLY want you to have this course!

Even out of state nurses have to have this? holy moly!


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