01 December 2007


the hardest thing about this switching to night life is saying goodnight to my hubby and pooch as they sleepily head off to bed, and I know I have a long night of internet, baking, television (at low volume) and so on.

I think I'm blogging more because it's company...I dunno.

Mostly, I think I'm using it as a sounding board to see what it is I really think. Sometimes, I can't see the forest for the trees. Ironically, the word of the day is algorhithm. I've been thinking in algorithms lately. If this, then that. If I stay at this ICU and I return to New York, will I be ready? If no, return home. If I get an offer of a residency at UCSF and I take it, then I obligate myself to one year's service to them, then do I take it and sacrifice my place at Columbia? IF I do that, THEN do I reapply? Who will I get to write my reference letters? WHICH schools will I apply to? SHOULD I just change majors and do something I don't really want to do, but it's better than what I'm doing now? I could get 2/3 tuition reduction if I attend UCSF, but I can't see myself doing acute care NP or Cardiology NP...still, it's better than the fatigue of bedside care--that's killing me.


This is what rolls around my brain like a marble.


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