15 February 2007

Holy Friggin' MOLY (talk about talking too soon!)

So, my last post said something about the weather not being so bad. LOL

Yesterday, Valentines day no less, a mother of a storm moved in and finally Manhattan felt it.

I can say something I've never said in my life, before yesterday: I walked to (and from) school in the snow.

Wearing thermals under my uniform, my Columbia brand boots (good til minus 45 degrees), my North Face ankle-length down parka, a down hooded vest under that, mittens and a fleece hood over my face with only my eye-glasses poking out.

I looked like a down-filled mummy.

But, I was warm :)

It was so cold, that the white-coats and scrubs all lined up at the Jou-Jou cafe in the lobby of the Children's hospital to buy out their over priced wraps, soup and sandwiches, rather than don all the gear and brave the cold (not that there's much better selection out there!)

I'm bringing my camera today (hopefully, it won't get swiped in clinical) and I'm gonna try to get some photos of it, and my group (which is behaving a bit better...hmmmmm.)

One of the best investments I made was a pair of velvet curtains for my dorm window. Pull the plastic blinds to buffer the wind coming thru the cracks, and pull the curtain over that and it does a mighty fine job of keeping the wind off me while I sleep. I can hear the wind howling outside right now and I'm dreading having to go out in it for the 3 block walk to the hospital--ugh.

Snow is supposed to fall GENTLY, isn't it? like in beautiful Lake Tahoe, near a fire, with a nice glass of red wine, and you look outside and a fine, gentle dusting of snow is going on and you go "ahh, look...it's snowing!"

Here, it goes sideways, and gets up your nostrils and pelts you in the face and glasses and you look outside and go--holy crap...was that a Buick that just went past my window?

No hollywood snow here; this is real life. Not even Minnesota was this gross that I remember. I really hate the wind most of all. If I were a couple pounds lighter I'd be worried.

Alrighty, I've got to get dressed now. And when I get back it's probably going to be close to an all-nighter cramming for this Peds test tomorrow. Milestones, nutrition, pathophys, orthopedics, fluids and electrolyte balances, med math, IV drip rates, etc etc. Something like 30 chapters, I think. (not that I've read them)

Wish me luck, y'all.


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