26 February 2007

Who's on First?

First, I'd like to know...who the hell is running things here?!

So, you may remember the story about the form, "it's almost like they care"

Here's the emails sent back and forth between me and one of the associate directors (the one who just graduated from this program 2 or 3 years ago, and has probably been a CRNA maybe only a year or two)

Email from me to this person:

"So and So, yesterday I left the Master's specialty form that I was supposed to fill out by march 9th in the Anesthesia department's mail box on the 2nd floor operations office. Please confirm for me that you received it, since I'll just worry it got lost or not into the right hands I've been by your office several times and never seem to time it correctly when you are there (yesterday it was closed) Thanks very much!"

So and so Replies:
"You are more likely to find life in our office on M, T and W. I will look for your form next week."

So, a whole week goes by, the following week I wonder if he's forgotten to get back to me or what, so I write back:

"Hi, So and so...Missed you again this week (it's been hectic)
could you let me know if you received the form (since we're coming down to the wire with the deadline?) I heard a rumor I wasn't supposed to turn it in to you guys, but rather to student services, any truth to that? I'd like to get this taken care of and crossed off my list. You'd think something like turning in a form would be easier, Sheesh.Thanks for your help!"

To which he replies back:
"I am just back in from a conference and have not yet seen your form. I will look for it tomorrow. I am unsure of which form exactly you are referring to, so I do not know where it is supposed to be directed."
Thanks for telling me you'd look for my form last week, then...forget about your conference, or just bad at managing details?

This is the story here, NO ONE seems to know shit about shit. You ask 5 people, you get 5 different answers.

I replied back:

"Thanks, So and so,
I threw my back out so I probably won't be able to come by tommorrow (as I was hoping to, after peds) It's whatever form you signed a few of and gave to C.H. to disseminate to the rest of us. It was presigned by you, and it's got all the classes we'll be taking for our MS specialty on it (all the ANES courses)

I guess, if you can't find it, could you leave another presigned one at the etp office for me so I can take it to wherever it's got to go...and I'm not sure who'd know about this form...it's the one K.D. was saying is so important to get in by the 9th of this month if we want our place held in the masters program we were accepted into.

I will call her tomorrow, I guess, and get her to tell me. She and J.H. seem to be the only ones that have spoken of this form with any understanding of what this form is and who it goes to. I find this whole thing confusing and unclear. Sorry to bother you so much with it. I've nowhere else to turn!"

(Now, watch the clever little "cover your ass" that comes in this reply from him because I mentioned the dean and the director in my email)

"It will be important for you to attend to details as you progress.When instructions are "fuzzy," seek clarification.I found your Anesthesia Template and will place it inJ.H's mailbox. You should have retained a copy for yourself so that youhave the details of your curriculum. You should not deviate fromthe curriculum without input from your faculty advisor. Thetemplate was developed to meet many requirements of severaldifferent departments. Changes to your curriculum may result inyour inability to graduate or to qualify for financial aid."

Well, I guess writing you, because I made the mistake of thinking you were the only one who had his head out of his ass in this program was a mistake...because seeking clarification was exactly what I've been trying to do. And fuzzy it up is what the whole department has been doing since they handed someone else a form to give me and there's no explanation WHO it goes to WHAT office they're in, and when you ask, no one knows what the fuck form you're talking about.

Now, I know you're all horrified back at home. I'm sorry I ever doubted what you were saying about this program...it's true, and worse than you even said it would be. Mea culpa. Mea Culpa, mea maxima culpa!!

Holy moly...I've got a first class cabin on the Titanic.
and they're trying to figure out how to arrange the deck chairs, it seems.

12 days til I come home, folks.
Then we'll talk.


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