01 March 2007

my inferior back genetics

So, Sunday, I threw my back out.

it was so much pain, all I could do was lay on the floor of my dorm room and cry. Couldn't move for hours. I dry swallowed some aleve and ended up emailing all my profs (as soon as I could get to the laptop, and since I couldn't sit, I had to connect to the outlet near my bed and type in my lap rather than my desk)

What a nightmare this week has been. I finally got some 500 mg Naprosyn from the student health services (high dose Aleve) and that did the trick. I didn't want to take the muscle relaxant (flexeril) because I read up on it in my pda and didn't like the sounds of it.

I'm so glad I came home Thursday and Friday and cranked out two case studies, and an assignment for Evidence Based Practice class, and did my part of the written report for Issues in Nursing class. That was my lifesaver. I was able to say "hey prof, I'm dying, but here's my work in an email attachment" and that saved me.

I guess they could see I wasn't faking it to get an extension.

However, tomorrow is my Peds midterm, and today is the first day I've not had so much pain I could not comprehend anything I was reading. I received a post card junk mail offer from the grocery delivery service I use...I swear I must have picked it up and read it 8 times and could NOT understand what it was saying. Something about free delivery...but I couldn't understand the terms (turns out they were offering a free unlimited delivery service if you paid fifty bucks for six months)

So, here I am, still sorta on my back, resting up for tomorrow.
I'm just glad to be out of the level 10 pain.
Mental note...bring home a foley kit, in case this ever happens again!


At Thursday, March 01, 2007 8:12:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Who you gonna get to put in the foley?

I am officially on spring break!!! I've got 1 week and 3 days to write a 20 page paper, a 8-15 page paper and a 6 page paper. (+ the spreadsheet thats due tomorrow that will be 25 pages if things keep progressing the way they are.)

Oh yeah, and I get to go to a conference on trauma for two days during that time. (Really looking forward to it!)

Nothing like a 'little break' in the middle of the semester! All in all I'm doing well though. I'm embarrased to say that the last time I wrote and ranted about having to write my own evaluation was a mistake on my part. In my own defense, the teacher was less than clear with the instructions!

I believe you only have a week to go! Good luck chica! Hope you're feeling better!

At Thursday, March 01, 2007 8:30:00 PM , Blogger sketchmonkey said...

oh trust me, I coulda self-cathed, baby! It would have been preferable to the agony of moving!

Yeah, lucky you, Laura! I'm still a week away from going home :(

But, I've got so much going on that it's gonna FLY by.

Sorry we won't be home at the same time...we'll have to meet up for some chica night-out stuff when we're done! awww yeah!


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