04 March 2007

two steps forward, one step back

I can see now that this back thing is going to be vexing me for a while. It's not a common cold that progressively gets better. There are going to be good days and bad days. Yesterday, I thought I was outta the woods, but today I woke up a little "twingey" in the back. I'll have to not be sitting up all day, and take some lie-down rest breaks.

I thought I had listened to 40 or 45 minutes of the childhood immunizations lecture, but when I looked at elapsed recording, it was only 13 minutes. This guest lecturer has the most painful accent to listen to, combined with a quasi British drone of monotone, that makes it impossible to get what she's saying. And, I'm dictating my notes into Dragon Naturally Speaking software, which does the voice recognition, and typing for me. She's so all over the place and so fast, and she speaks in endless run on sentences, that I have to back the recording up and listen to the same piece half a dozen times to get a small sentence written.

So, While I might have been transcribing notes for over an hour, I only effectively listened to 13 minutes of lecture :( At this rate, I'll be done with her lecture some time next February.

Plan for today: rest the back (horizontally) Listen to Dr. John's sleeping pill lecture about vaccines, get as many notes as I can in as short a time as possible, and try to rest up for the coming (FINAL!) week of classes.



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