Done and DONE!!!

Advanced Clinical Pharmacology Notes.
Somehow, I survived!
So it's the end of semester one.
I'm usually so amped up, and busy, that when the end comes I never know what to do with myself. So now, I've been washing the floors, doing laundry, washing the refridgerator, spring cleaning in general.
I leave for home Saturday--my driver, Jose picks me up at 6:30 am, and hopefully, there won't be a thunderstorm (though, it would be a first when I'm flying) and we won't get delayed and stuck on the tarmac for hours and hours (like last time!)
I'm so looking forward to going home and seeing my fellas :)
I've missed them so.
But I go home with a sense of relief and accomplishment; I was afraid about the chemo having ruined my chances to study, to learn to retain info, to go to school in general--I'm releived to know that I CAN do this. I can.
Not that it won't be tough, but it's not like I have mashed potatoes for brains, as I feared would happen after the chemo.
It's a balmy overcast day in New York. I don't mind it so much this time around--I guess cancer taught me to suffer through things that are temporary with a bit of patience.
Sunday morning I wake up at home, and all this will be like a dream.
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