14 June 2009

Was it all a dream?

Here I am, back in New York. A terrible flight home (more than 3 hours delayed) and an ok flight back, though both were middle seats and I hate those. I guess it's better than the window, though.

I've only been back about half an hour and already I miss George and Rutger so much I want to cry. It didn't seem this bad the first time I came (two weeks ago) but now, maybe because the novelty's worn off, I really just want to be done with this semester and go home for a long while.

My driver, Jose, asked me for advice regarding a friend who had had brain surgery and 4 or 5 days post op had a stroke...what can you say to that? I think people latch on to the fact that you're in health care and just have questions, you know.

I did lots of reading both at home and on the plane, but I bet it wasn't enough. I still don't feel buried but I guess that will come soon enough...tomorrow I have my 8 hour day and then tuesday is my friday. Then I'll hit the bricks running and knock out a few more assignments and so forth.

We have a great big group project/presentation and we chose emergency contraception as a topic...I hate group projects, I hope these guys are good at writing papers because I feel like my skills have waned considerably.

Ah well. Tomorrow is Monday.

It's hot and muggy in New York, but that's a given.

I miss home, too.

But, that's a given, too.


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