02 January 2008

What I've learned watchcing America's Next Top Model

I'm learning a lot by watching the America's Next Top Model Marathon. This stupid show is addictive. Season after season, the same thing happens. It's caused me to come up with this list of commonalities for each season.

1) I hate Tyra Banks. She's pretty full of herself. Yes, she's pretty. Yes, she was a big deal. But she still inserts herself into every shoot as if she's still a viable model. She's a know-it-all with a very strong personality (sound like anyone you know?)

2) women have a natural tendency to be bitchy, catty, form aliances and gang up on the weakest, most outcast in the group.

3) women, unlike men, have to endure criticism and judgement in their lives. Men don't have this issue as much. Men are judged by their WORK, not for their attitude, personality, looks, etc. Women, no matter what they do, who they are, have to endure the judgement on their personality--so odd.

By far, the hardest thing about nursing is making the transition to a female dominated environment. My mother was nothing like this, and I only had one best friend growing up so I am missing a lot of that dynamic. It's like being thrown into a top dollar poker game, with sharks, and learning the game as you go along...vicious.

I know I'm going to eventually make it, but the growing pains are fierce. I feel like writing a book "my year as a woman" or something like this. I don't suppose anyone would read it, but I think my perspective is different.

Anyway, this is a year for major change and betterment, to be sure!


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