I'll see you in the ICU!
22 December 2006
20 December 2006
If I could only think of a word,
One which incorporates the trueessence of this semester...
it will come to me.
In the meantime,
Watch the movie Scarface,
in 1 minute, 38 seconds :)
18 December 2006
Holy sleep-deprivation, Batman!
Alrighty, one down, one to go (tomorrow)Since Friday, I have been sequestered in my 8x10 room (I might have bathed once or twice, I might have eaten once or twice) cramming my butt off for Med Surg and Pahtophysiology.
I'm lucky, at least, that med-surg coincided with pathophysiology's final; both finals have endocrine, diabetes, neurological disorders, in common.
While med-surg was all about nursing diagnoses and interventions, pathophys will focus more on details.
It's ok--I've got my notes all done up, and most of them printed up. I spent all day yesterday putting them together for pathophys, doing Sally's review questions (which I have never had time to do in the past, and always felt like I would have done better on her test if I had had the time to go thru them)
I feel pretty good about med-surg. I get a little confused with Diabetes Insipidus, and interventions for that, and hypo and hyper adrenal . I kept trying to really learn it, but in the end the mnemonic of JFK (who had Addison's disease--hypoadrenal) saying in his JFK voice "I need your sodium!" Silly, but it helped.
Anyway, I went to bed at 2 am, and got up at 4 to cram some more. My pathophys is tomorrow at 2:30 so I'll be able to get a little more sleep (I said "a little!")
Wish me luck!
I'll be home Saturday evening.
16 December 2006
What I'm listening to

A friend of mine hipped me to last.fm.
Why was I ever buying music, again?
This is pretty cool.
If you join, be sure to let me know so we can share tunes :)
I get a kick...
when my med-surg professor doesn't know jack.The other day, she asked us, "where does the pituitary gland sit?" and I replied "in the hypophyseal fossa" and she looked at me and said "what?"
"the hypophyseal fossa...
of the sphenoid bone...
the sella turcica..."
and that's what she wanted to hear--that's all she knows, probably--"Yes, the Sella Turcica"
[eye roll]
Then, yesterday, it was clear she didn't know where the tentorium cerebeli was, and she was pointing to the falx cerebri and her speech started to trail off as she realized that she didn't know how to explain supra and infra tentorium when pointing to the mid-sagital suture.
I said "isn't it [and placed my hand horizontally, behind my head] "the membrane that lies between the cerebrum and cerebellum?"
and she woke up quickly and said "YES! that's it!"
what would she do without me sitting in the front row, guiding her along?
Still, I can't seem to score better than low 80s on her tricky-ass tests. ALL of the answers are right, you just have to interpret which one she thinks is the correct one with regard to "which is the most important thing you can teach a patient regarding..."
All of them are correct, you just have to know whether she thinks teaching the patient this or that is MORE important. If you bitch about this, they say--well, this is the way they ask you questions on the NCLEX, get used to it.
Screw you.
get used to THAT.
(did I mention that I hate it here?)
What you should know about your brain (before you start teaching)
11 December 2006
We're always happy to see your shining face...
I nearly died laughing when this aired.I know I Posted it this summer, but they pulled it off the host server, dangit!
10 December 2006
08 December 2006
26 years ago today...
I was catching a flight to Buenos Aires.Upon sitting down in my seat, the flight attendant came by and asked if I wanted to read anything (back in the day when you got food, magazines, newspapers, a hot towel, candy, a smile, you know...that kinda stuff)I said--"a newspaper in English, Please?"
She handed me a New York Times. I remember the exact headline, "JOHN LENNON SHOT DEAD."
That's how I found out.
The person next to me was much older, and was visibly shaken. We read the article together. We began to cry. My mother looked over from across the aisle and saw the article, and though she wasn't an American by birth, or even this generation, she knew who John Lennon was. She shook her head and said "what a senseless tragedy"
Today, I wanted to go down to the Dakota where he was shot.
I've been there twice. It's a beautiful building. It looks like San Francisco inside, and that's why I like it. But, tonight, there was too much meaning in it for me to go. John was 40 when he was killed. My age now.
He'd be 26 years older now, and I wonder what he might have done in that time, how much he would have protested this stupid war...a lot of things.
I wonder why there's violence in the world, and wonder how we can rise above it.
I can't even listen to Beatle's songs tonight.
I remember before I ever came to New York, how a few people really embodied it for me. John Lennon, Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese and a few others. Maybe I'll swing by the Dakota tomorrow on my way to my study date with my friend Ashley. Maybe I'll swing by Strawberry Fields in the park and see what people did there. It may be too sad. I dunno.
Here's an article I found online...I can't say I blame Yoko (as much as I blame her for the break-up of the Beatles; I dislike her and Paul equally...maybe Paul bugs me more...yeah...he bugs me more)

Ono does not forgive Lennon's killer
12/08/2006 2:00 PM, Yahoo! Music
Yoko Ono has appealed to people across the world to mark the anniversary of John Lennon's assassination today by healing the world.
The widow of the former Beatle has issued a lengthy statement calling for peace and forgiveness for all, 26 years after Lennon was shot dead in New York.
Ono, who admits she still cannot forgive Mark David Chapman for killing her husband, tells victims of violence across the world that "your loss is our loss."
The statement includes the following excerpts: "Every year on this day I hear from many from all over the world who remember my husband, John Lennon, and his message of peace. They tell me they are thinking of John on this day and how he was shot and killed at the prime of life, at age 40, when he had so much life ahead of him. Thank you for your undying love for John and also for your concern for me on this tragic anniversary.
"This year, though, on December 8th, while we remember John, I would also like us to focus on sending the following messages to the millions of people suffering around the world. Know that your loss is our loss. Know that the physical and mental abuse that you have endured will have a lingering effect on our society, and the world. Know the burden is ours.
"As the widow of one who was killed by an act of violence, I don't know if I am ready yet to forgive the one who pulled the trigger. I am sure all victims of violent crimes feel as I do. But healing is what is urgently needed now in the world. Let's heal the wounds together. Every year, let's make December 8th the day to ask for forgiveness from those who suffer the insufferable.
"Let's wish strongly that one day we will be able to say that we healed ourselves, and by healing ourselves, we healed the world."
07 December 2006
Tomorrow's ACE presentation
tomorrow is the presentation of our semester-long Assessing Clinical Evidence group project.Wicked hard work.
I've slept about 2-4 hours per night for the last week, and I'm at my breaking point.
Monday, another med-surg test, and the following monday, the final in Med-Surg and Tuesday is pathophysiology final.
I hope I can hold out.
I think I'm coming down with something too--when it rains...
OH yeah, and tonight--fisrt snow fall.
I had to make this very very small to load it up here, but I did the boards for this group project. It's been a nightmare. Our subect was the review of six studies to see if cocaine use caused preterm birth.

It's a piece of crap. And Kinkos is on my short list of bastards now.
Aw, hell, do what I do and watch Craig Ferguson...he makes me chuckle.
05 December 2006
04 December 2006
02 December 2006
This is cool
I can't decide if this has more to do with physics, or chemistry.
All I can see is hydrogen Ions in my head...but then again...it's got to have something to do with the coefficient of static friction being effected by the water...this is where an education of some sort would come in handy...sheesh!